Wonderful Karimunjawa In Indonesia


Karimun derived from Java language that is kremun which means fuzzy or vague. Given the name because these islands faintly visible from the island of Java caused the location is quite far from the island of Java. To achieve Karimunjawa takes about 4 to 6 hours from the mainland island of Java using the Motor Ship Fast from Semarang or Jepara. It was, matched with his name, because it takes a long time to arrive on the island. 

Karimunjawa a paradise of divers (diver). You can perform various activities in the crystal clear waters. Swimming, diving (diving), or snorkeling will be fun. 
The beauty of coral reefs and colorful fish in the sea will be an attraction to frolic in the water. Seawater in Karimunjawa very clear and transparent, so you can see the sea bottom clearly. For those of you who like fishing, you can also do it on some island in the Karimun. 

To visit the islands in Karimun, you can use a fishing boat. The time required is too long to visit several islands at once because it is situated not far apart. There is also a boat equipped with a glass at the bottom of the boat (glass bottom boat) are suitable for you who do not want to dive but want to still be able to see the coral reefs or fish in the sea water. 

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Publications since 2001 has the official name of the National Park Publications. Karimunjawa National Park consists of a small cluster of 27 islands with 5 pieces that have been populated island in the archipelago. 
The island is already inhabited the island of Genting, Kemujan Island, Karimun Island, Mosquito Island, and Island Parang. Most of the island there has a beach with white sand. 

The islands are a favorite place to visit for tourists for its natural beauty, among others, Menjangan Besar Island, Menjangan Small, Pine Small, and Tanjung Gelam. Let's visit the islands one by one! 


On the island of Menjangan Besar there is a shark breeding. You can test your courage by going to their breeding pond and swim with these sharks. No need to fear, because the sharks here are quite tame and friendly with humans. 
Small Menjangan Island 

Small Menjangan Island deserves a visit for the waters around the island there are lots of colorful little fish are beautiful. This island has a beach and a beautiful sea floor with clear water. The island is suitable for you who want to try snorkeling. 
Pine Island Pine Island Small and Large 
On both islands there are many pine trees that might be the basis of the second name of this island. Another unique thing is the existence of the mainland beaches with white sand that juts into the sea. 

Tanjung Gelam Island is a beautiful island with white sand and water, turquoise-colored sea. 

Accommodation in Karimunjawa 
Besides enjoying the beautiful sea and beaches, you can visit traditional markets or visiting ministers who managed to get fish in the fish market. 

To the inn, there are several options you can specify. You can stay at some luxury resort in the small islands or even hotels with cheaper rates. Some locals also rent out his house with a cheaper fare anymore. Or you could try a different atmosphere with a stay at Wisma Pumice, which is the inn that is in the water not far from the beach. 

To go to Publications, you can use some alternative options below: 
Quick ship from Semarang 
From Semarang, you can go to the Publications through the Port of Golden Horn using speedboats. The drive from Semarang to Karimunjawa about 4 hours to 6 hours if the weather is bad. 
Ships from Jepara 

If you choose to go to Publications from Jepara, you can through the Port of Kartini. You can choose to use a fast ship, or also use a slow and expensive ships from Jepara. The journey from Jepara to Karimunjawa about 2.5 to 3 hours. 
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In addition, for those who have enough funds, there is a small plane Ahmad Yani Airport in Semarang can be leased to the Airport Kemujan Dewa Daru Island (an island in the Karimun). By plane, you can see the beauty of Publications from the top before landing at the airfield in Karimun. Travel by plane take about 30 minutes. 
Enjoy the beauty and feel the serenity of this island will be an enjoyable experience. It is advisable to visit the island in March to October, at the time the weather is friendly so you can freely roam and enjoy Karimun islands. Enjoy the enchanting beauty of nature in Karimun.
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Netsapa Beach - Indonesia

If you're into the Maluku-Indonesia, and landed at the Airport Pattimura, Ambon, a time to visit this beautiful beach. Natsepa beach is one of the beautiful sights to visit in Ambon. In addition, there are also other beaches such as Pantai Liang, Doors City, and variety of sea travel, history, and other interesting natural attractions. 

Coast Natsepa become a favorite tourist destination because of its location not too far from the city of Ambon. To reach this beach is not difficult. With traveled about 30 minutes from the city of Ambon using ground transportation, then you came on the Beach Natsepa. Proximity to downtown makes it a favorite location of the town of Ambon, and most of the tourists who were visiting the city of Ambon will transit to the coast. 

Beach entrance fee is quite cheap, at Rp 2,000, - for adults and Rp 1,500, - for children. Not surprisingly, on weekends, especially during the holiday season arrives, the beach is filled with the families who bring children or the young people who travel. 

Stretch of white sand beaches make it more real beauty. The beach looks clean with a fairly calm sea. Many of the trees around the beach making the beach was lush. The visitors can take shelter on the sidelines playing on the beach. Green leaves of these trees also create a more beautiful scenery because of the color combination of green, white, and blue to match. 

Natsepa beach is wide enough, even if it was low tide, making the beach area increases. The parents used to take the kids walking down the beach while occasionally dipping their toes in the water. Other parents seem happy to play the sand, build sandcastles, or bury themselves in sand. The extent of beach Natsepa also be a fun place for kids to play football. With gusts of wind and sand smooth to make the children forget the time when he was playing ball. 

A calm sea with water because of blocked bay, making this beach is safe for swimming for the visitors. Merely walking into the sea while playing water is also quite safe to do so because the beach is relatively gentle slope so as not to endanger. You can rent a tire as a buoy to try to swim on this beach. 

If you just want to enjoy the scenery or if you've tired of playing the water or on the beach, you can sit under a tree to expand your view. The extent of soft white sandy beaches, calm blue water and green mountains across the sea is very beautiful scenery to be enjoyed. 

Watching the beautiful nature, do not miss to enjoy the famous Rojak Natsepa. Many sellers salad at this beach. Fresh fruits such as mango, guava, pineapple mixed with brown sugar and nuts will make the audience feel refreshed after enjoying the fruits of Rojak Natsepa. This salad is eaten with fruit skewers as an awl of this salad. 

Congratulations to travel and enjoy sour, sweet, spicy salad Natsepa Coast in Ambon, Maluku. 

Borobudur Temple "Indonesia"

Borobudur was built around the year 800 AD or the 9th century.Borobudur was built by the adherents of Mahayana Buddhism during the reign of Dynasty dynasty. This temple was built in the heyday dynasty dynasty. The founder of the Borobudur Temple, King Samaratungga originating from or dynasty dynasty dynasty.The possibility of this temple was built around 824 AD and was completed around the year 900 AD during the reign of Queen Pramudawardhani who is the daughter of Samaratungga. While the architects who contributed to build this temple according to the story of hereditary named Gunadharma. 

Borobudur own words based on the first written evidence which was written by Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Governor General of the United Kingdom in Java, which gives the name of this temple. There is no written evidence that the older name in this temple of Borobudur. Only one of the oldest documents that show the existence of this temple is Nagarakretagama book, written by mpu Prapanca in 1365. In the book is written that this temple was used as a place of Buddhist meditation. 

Meaning of the name Borobudur is "monastery in the hills", which comes from the word "coal" (temple or monastery) and "beduhur" (hills or high places) in Sanskrit. Therefore, in accordance with the meaning of the name Borobudur, then this place long ago used as a place of Buddhist worship. 

This temple for centuries are no longer used. Then because of volcanic eruptions, most of the buildings covered with volcanic soil Borobudur. In addition, the building is also covered with various trees and shrubs for centuries. Then the building of this temple began in the days of forgotten Islam arrived in Indonesia around the 15th century. 

In 1814 when the British occupied Indonesia, Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles heard of the discovery of huge archaeological objects in the village of Magelang Bumisegoro. Due to the great interest the history of Java, then immediately ordered Raffles HCCornelius, a Dutch engineer, to investigate the location of the discovery which was a hill covered with shrubs. 

Cornelius assisted by about 200 men cut trees and remove shrubs that covered the giant building. Because the building considering the already fragile and could collapse, then report to the Raffles Cornelius invention includes several images. Since that discovery, Raffles was awarded as the man who started the restoration of Borobudur and the attention of the world. In 1835, the entire area of ​​the temple has been unearthed. The temple is kept restored in the Dutch colonial period. 

After Indonesia gained its independence, in 1956, the Indonesian government requested the assistance of UNESCO to examine the damage to Borobudur. Then in 1963, out of the official Indonesian government's decision to conduct the restoration of Borobudur temple with the help of UNESCO.However, this restoration was only really started on August 10, 1973. The process of restoration was recently completed in 1984. Since 1991, Borobudur designated as World Heritage or World Heritage Site by UNESCO. 

Borobudur temple is located in Magelang, Central Java, about 40 km from Yogyakarta. Borobudur has 10 levels consisting of 6 levels of a square, level 3 circular and a main stupa as a peak.At every level there are several stupas. Altogether there are 72 stupas in addition to the main stupa. In every stupa there is a statue of Buddha. Ten levels of Buddhist philosophy are the ten Bodhisattva levels that must be traversed to reach the perfection of the Buddha in nirvana. This perfection symbolized by the main stupa at the top level. Borobudur structure when viewed from above form a mandala depicting the structure of Buddhist cosmology and the human way of thinking. 

On the fourth side of the temple there is a gate and ladder to the level above it like a pyramid. This illustrates the Buddhist philosophy that all life came from rocks. Stone later became the sand, then into plants, then into the insect, then a wild animal, and pets, and finally became a man. This process is known as reincarnation. The last process is to be the soul and finally into nirvana. Each stage of enlightenment in the process is based on the Buddhist philosophy of life depicted in reliefs and statues in the temple of Borobudur. 

This huge building just a giant pile of stone blocks which have a total h

eight of 42 meters. Each stone spliced ​​without using cement or adhesive. These stones are only connected by patterns and stacked. The base of Borobudur temple is about 118 m on each side. The stones used approximately 55,000 cubic meters. All the stones were taken from the river around the Borobudur Temple. These stones are cut and then transported and connected with a pattern like a lego game. All without using glue or cement. 

Meanwhile, relief began to be made after the stones are stacked and jointed finish. There are reliefs on temple walls. Borobudur has 2670 different relief. Relief is read clockwise. This relief illustrates a story that I read it starts and ends at the gate to the east. This suggests that the main entrance of the Borobudur temple facing the east like most other Buddhist temples. 

Vesak celebration at Borobudur 
Every year on the full moon in May (or June in leap years), Buddhists in Indonesia to commemorate Vesak at Borobudur.Vesak is celebrated as the day of birth, death and the time when Siddhartha Gautama obtain the highest wisdom to become the Buddha Shakyamuni. The third event is called Vesak Trisuci.Vesak ceremony centered on three Buddhist temples by walking from the Mendut to Pawon and ends at Borobudur. 

On the eve of Vesak, particularly during peak moment of full moon, Buddhists gathered around Borobudur. At that time, Borobudur is believed to be a gathering place of supernatural power. According to belief, during Vesak, the Buddha will appear in a look at the top of the mountain in the south. 



Currently, Borobudur has become a tourist attraction which attracts many tourists both local and foreign tourists. In addition, Borobudur has become a holy place for Buddhists in Indonesia and became the center of the most important annual celebration of Vesak Buddhist. 

Borobudur becomes one of excellence and evidence of human intelligence has ever made in Indonesia. Borobudur become a tourist and cultural sites in Indonesia besides Bali and Jakarta.After visiting the Borobudur, you can also visit the surrounding villages such as Karanganyar which has some interesting sights.

Tangkuban Perahu

Tangkuban Perahu mountain or also commonly called Tangkuban Parahu is one of the largest mountain in the plains Parahyangan. Natural Park of Mount Tangkuban Perahu in the northern city of Lembang, north of the city of Bandung. Cool weather, the spread of tea gardens, valleys and tall pine trees to accompany your journey to the gate area Tangkuban Perahu. To enter the area Tangkuban Perahu, you had to pay Rp 13,000, - per person plus a ticket to the vehicle. 
There are two roads to the craters that exist on the mountain. The first roads or old roads with road conditions are more difficult to pass and will normally be closed after rain or when deemed dangerous to pass. The guard booth will give clues to past the new road which lies further up if the road is closed. Before the first ticket payments on the road, there are cottages for rent for a place to stay. 

Passing through the new road, paved road provides access to your vehicle. On the road meandering flowers are trumpet and other trees that will soothe your trip. Tangkuban Perahu mountain in the region there are three craters of interest to visit. Domas crater is a crater, Crater Queen and Upas Crater. The largest crater between the third and most visited are Queen Crater. With several hours of walking, you can even round the vast crater of the Queen while enjoying the beautiful panorama of Mount Tangkuban Perahu. 
Queen Crater 
If you come by bus, provided special bus parking lot before reaching the crater of the Queen. The journey continues with ELF car that will get you into the crater of the Queen. However, if you use a private vehicle, you can continue using it until the Queen Crater. Vehicle parking is available across the crater, so without going through the difficult terrain and spend a lot of energy, you can see this crater. This might also be one reason, most visitors are in the crater. 
Queen Crater directly visible from the top with a wooden barrier fence to prevent visitors falling. Seeing inside the crater, the walls of the crater and smoke are still out of the crater it creates a thrilling sight. Queen of the land around the crater is generally white with some yellow brimstone. Rocks and the atmosphere feels dry and arid in the crater. You can try to climb to higher ground if you want to see the Queen Crater region as a whole. 

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In this place a lot of simple shops selling various souvenirs such as scarves, hats skullcaps, handbags and fur hats, various displays of wood and various other accessories. There are also sellers of food and warm drinks such as cooked noodles, and other bandrek. You can also ride horses to round some of these craters. This activity is generally liked by children. 

Upas Crater 
Upas Crater Crater is located next to the Queen. But, to be able to see this crater must go through dangerous terrain, you must pass through a sandy road to reach the crater. Thus, it is rare visitors who come to see the crater. Different forms Upas Crater Crater Queen. Upas crater is more shallow and flat. 

Domas Crater 
Domas Crater Crater is located further down than the Queen. If you come through the new path, you'll find the gateway to Crater Domas Crater in advance before heading to the Queen. If the Queen Crater you will only see the crater from a distance, the Domas Crater, you can get closer to the crater. In fact, you can try to boil eggs by putting it in the crater. If you want to see past the hour Domas Crater 16.00, you must use the services of tour guides. 

Trees that are seen around the crater is a tree called by the locals with Manarasa name. The leaves of this plant will be reddish in color if the leaves are old. The leaves are already red edible with flavors like guava leaf with a slightly sour taste. These leaves can treat diarrhea and is believed to be ageless. Perhaps the leaves is believed by the people around are always eaten by Dayang Sumbi the ageless in the legend of Mount Tangkuban Perahu. 

Tangkuban Legend Boats 
Inti legend Tangkuban Perahu is a young man named Sangkuriang want to marry a woman named Dayang Sumbi beautiful. They fell in love. But, after finding a scar on his head Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang know it is his son. Sangkuriang first go because it was annoyed with his mother's anger.. Dayang Sumbi angry because Sangkuriang kill their pet dog when it fails to hunt deer for his mother. 

Knowing Sangkuriang was his son, Dayang Sumbi Sangkuriang not want to marry. Thus, to reject the proposal Sangkuriang, Dayang Sumbi asked for a boat besarta lake within one night. Sangkuriang who asked for help from the magic genie to fulfill dayang Sumbi.

Seeing Sangkuriang almost completed its work, Dayang Sumbi intend to blow it. Thanks to his prayer, chickens crowing. Jin-jin who helped Sangkuriang running scared because he thought it was morning. As a result of work to make a boat and the lake is not completed. Sangkuriang are livid that failed to complete the job kicking a homemade boat. The boat is then fell face down and there was Mt Tangkuban Perahu. When seen from Bandung, the mountain resembles an overturned boat. 
The beauty of the crater of Mount Tangkuban Perahu and several spots around it also became one of the places for potential brides to do outdoor photos prewedding. The beauty of the craters of Mount Tangkuban Perahu can be one of the destinations if you're visiting the city of Bandung. You can take the kids to see this natural beauty.